education sector Investors demanding support and discuss the mechanics of investment
Investorsdemandedinthe private education sectorandthe foreignsectorin the Eastern Provincewith the supportandtopromoteparticipationby working toaddress the difficultiesencounteredand to providemany of themeans of supportthat will helpthe sectorto achievequalityactive participationinallits operations.
This came during ameetingof the expandedsubscribersin EastChamberin the education sector,which was attended byDirector ofthe private Department of Educationand foreignMinistry of Education,Mohammed BinEidAl-Otaibi,itwasan exchange of viewson the proposalson the implementation ofthe HolyRoyal Highnessrecommendationstoenhance the participation ofthe private sectorin the Kingdomin addition tosome specialprojectssupporting thesector as well asdiscuss issuesrelated to investmentin the regionand mechanisms ofdevelopment of the sectorthat areworking on itin collaboration withrelevant government agencies.
The meeting witnessed, whichwas recently heldreviewhighlighted thedecisionsrelated tothe civiland foreigneducation, includingtheefforts ofthe Ministry's rolein thedevelopment ofsoftwareprojects.
Participantsin the meetingdiscussed, includingmembersof the Chamber education committeethe subject ofe-services,the impact oninvestors ofthe sectorand improve thequality,in addition to organizingescortsandescort(employeesystem), as well asimproving the qualityof workin educational institutionsand civilforeignandaddress the difficultiesencounteredin the regionin particular and thekingdomin generalmechanism.