• The High Authority for Industrial Security presents new amendments to import chemicals


    in a specialized workshop held in the Asharqia Chamber:
    The High Authority for Industrial Security presents new amendments to import chemicals​
    A senior official of the Supreme Authority for Industrial Security (affiliated with the Ministry of Interior) stated that there are challenges facing the authority in the area of chemical import and import, despite all the new measures taken by the authority on the articles of the executive regulations for importing chemicals, which were stipulated by clear ministerial decisions aimed at facilitating and updating.​
    Captain Abdulaziz bin Ateeq Al-Omari (Supervisor of the Employment Department in the Central Security Licensing Unit in the authority) said that the most prominent of these challenges is the lack of familiarity with some importers with a few articles of the regulations, which leads to their failure to apply some conditions such as failure to inform the existing civil defense centers of the ports of shipment arrival, as well as lack of compliance In the warehouses mentioned in the civil defense license attached to the import permit, which confirms the need for some importers to have sufficient knowledge of the regulations to understand their requirements, through a number of workshops in this regard.

    Captain Al-Omari added - during a workshop held at the Asharqia Chamber yesterday, Thursday 26 / December / 2019 and moderated by the head of the Chamber's trade committee, Hani Al-Afaliq and participated in submitting the offer from the Supreme Commission Senior Lieutenant Engineer Aws Ali Ali - that many importers - unfortunately - are late in completing the papers Required in their transactions for very long periods of months, which makes some transactions fall under the category of cancellation.
    He mentioned that the list has been subjected during the recent period to a comprehensive technical study, which resulted in a number of radical amendments to its materials, including the "duration of the peer treatment". 5 AH Amending the Chemical Regulations to include the extension of the permit for permission from three months to six months, then Ministerial Decree No. 26 of 13/11/1440 AH was issued, so that the duration of the permission for permission is complete for a full year.​
    He added that among the amendments that were made to the bylaw, and according to the decision of His Highness the Minister of the Interior, dealt with the position of the warehouse keeper, as he was, earlier, conditional on being a Saudi national, and holding a bachelor’s degree in the field of chemistry, pharmacy or pharmacy technician, as assignment On the requirement of a university degree, and being satisfied with obtaining no less than high school, with a number of courses in dealing with hazardous materials, not less than six months and that he has a certain experience in dealing with chemicals and methods of storing them,​
    He pointed out that, according to the amendments, all entities licensed for chemical warehouses are allowed to clear, which are: (The High Authority for Industrial Security, Civil Defense, Special Business Zones such as the Royal Commission, the Industrial Cities Authority and Technology Zones), to carry out field monitoring of the beneficiaries ’warehouses through periodic visits. According to the permits issued by it.​

    Within the framework of his presentation of the amendments, he mentioned that the concentration of safe proportions of the chemicals that are used in the installation of explosives has been determined, and their number in the first list of materials has been reduced from 131 substances to (35 substances), after focusing on the dangerous materials and not others, as well as determining the concentration of safe proportions Chemicals What organizes the process of auditing the import of dangerous chemicals and making them specific to specific percentages, explaining that the executive regulations have monitored 9 lists, each list belongs to a concerned party, and what concerns the Authority is the most dangerous materials only.
    ​​On the expected effects of the ministerial decisions to amend the regulations, Captain Al-Omari stated that the list of chemicals is subject to periodic evaluation and review, as a number of technical committees were formed to update lists of restricted chemicals periodically, as well as facilitating procedures that include extending the period of clearance that would facilitate many of Procedures for importers, so if the clearance period takes three days, we strive to shorten it to one day.
    He pointed out that the authority is in the process of automating the import of chemicals and starting receiving scans electronically, and one of the most prominent outputs of this step is one of the most prominent outputs of this decision is to accelerate the clearance process to become within 24 hours, instead of 3 days at the present time.​

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