In a new achievement for the development of "services to all participants."
Eastern Chamber launches new year with four quality certificates
EastChamberhas achievedanother milestonein terms ofperformancedevelopment,andraise the level ofservices forsubscribers,thatthe renewal ofa number ofquality certificates, whichgot them,andwentaccording totheir requirementssincemore than ten years.Toconfirm theexcellenceoftheChambers of Commerceat the localand regional levels.
The Chamberhasgot anewreleasecertificate forInformation Security Management System(ISO27001: 2013ISO),which is aboutan upgradeto thespecification(27001: 2005ISO,) ..The Chamber ofthe renewal ofthe validity ofa number ofChamberqualityapplicableregulationscertificateswithoutcases of non-matching, namely:quality management system certification(ISO9001:2008),customer complaintscertificate(ISO10002:2004),and a certificate ofbusiness continuity(ISO 22301: 2012),after thatshown greatefficiencyin meeting therequirements for obtainingthese certificatesacross alldepartments andbranchescentersandservices,in terms of providingall the necessaryrequirementsandpersonnel training,obtainedandrenewed..
Commentingon this achievement, Secretary General ofthe ChamberAbdulrahman binAbdullahAlwabilsaidthat this achievementcameaftera series ofprocedures,and ongoingoperations ofthe developmentwhichhasto meet therequirements for obtainingthese certificatesand renewal, it wasafterI tookthe roomupon themselves tousefeedback fromsubscribersand users ofservices,Findand comments,listen totheir complaintsand seekto resolve themimmediately, asthe roomconfirmedits willingness toimprove and developits products and services,as a preludeto gain access tothe globalstagein the implementation ofquality systemsandwhich are reflecteddirectlyin thedevelopment and improvement ofservices and productsof differentChamber.
Alwabilnotedthat the achievement ofthese resultsearned bythe Chambercould not have beenpossible without thesupportand follow-upbigby theCouncilChamber ofchairmanand members,and theeffort madeby the members ofthe executive branchin the Chamber andthatthe roomhas beenupdated bythe development ofregulations and proceduresmanagementto keep pace withthe latestglobal developments,andthe rehabilitation ofits staffand its executive armoftune withthese developments, whichthe people ofthe roomto get thisglobalcertification,or renewal.
Alwabilstatedthat access tothese specificationspurposedevotemeans to enablethe Chamberto meet theneeds and expectations ofthe client,andinvolvethe qualityofservicesprovided by the Chamberwiththe optimum utilization oftime to improvethe service providedto customers andgaintheir consentto develop.
Alwabilconcludedthat the Chamber istryingto keep up withthe times,and permanentcare tointeract withdatadevelopmentat various levels,andthatthe sloganraised bythe roomfor more than60 years,so findan employeeroomalot ofthe qualities thatqualify himto domanytasksat one time.