Dr. Ghazi Al-Gosaibi Award for Best Promising facility
Distinct mechanism adopted by the East Camber to support small and medium-sized enterprises
Since the Chamber launched the Centre for the development of small and medium enterprises in the East Chamber to promote the entrepreneurial spirit among the people of the region, mindful of supporting this vital economic sector, and to provide incentives and a variety of programs, including promising economic sectors, to encourage entrepreneurs and business owners and their hands to more advanced and successful steps in. This award was launched under the name of ' Chamber award best promising ' facility, the decision of the Board of Directors of the Eastern Chamber called ' Dr. Ghazi Algosaibi Award for best promising ' facility, and the memory of his Excellency Dr. Ghazi gosaibi.
The prize aims to stimulate the role played by small and medium enterprises to support and stimulate the national economy in General and the economy of the eastern region in particular, raise awareness among owners of small and medium enterprises, motivate them to offer better levels, it also aims to promote the concept of the initiative to the Saudi investor and encourage small and medium enterprises on creativity and innovation, in addition to frame the concept of quality in small and medium-sized enterprises, and motivate them to reach the highest levels in this aspect to encourage small and medium enterprises play a role In establishing the concept of localization in the region.
The prize is awarded to the best fifteen promising enterprise of five segments, three of each of the selected sectors, and in particular festivity organized by the Chamber, for this purpose, the Chamber has to honor the winners of the annual reception for the Chamber. The neutral Commission was formed for the prize, the frameworks for the award, including identifying the most viable economic sectors for success and competitive advantage, enabling it to grow further, the Committee reached a range of sectors, namely:
Health services sector
IT sector
Supportandlight industrysector
maintenance and operation ofthe construction sector
Foodand animal productionsector
Entertainmentservices, tourismand sports activitiessector
Business servicessector.
AstheEastChamberhas formation ofa neutral committeecomposed ofseven membersfrom inside andoutside the Chamberof academicsand specialists in thefield of small andmedium-sized enterprisestoachieve greatertransparency and fairnessin the selection ofthe winners.
The roleof the Selection Committeein:
The development oftargeted sectorsinthe current session
Establish specificcriteria for selectingwinners
Sortof applications andverificationofsuitabilityto the conditions
Select the winnersbased on the criteriaestablishedin advance
The data necessaryfor the award:
Selection of candidatesfor the awardthrough the availability ofa set of dataincluding:
Property type
Name of the owner(owners)established
Sub-sectorin which it operates
Year,whichits workestablished
The most importantproducts
The amount of capital
Number oflabor
Saudization rate
Terms ofsubscription:
Matchingestablished toidentify the userof the roomfor each sector
The presence ofthe headquarters of thetitleclearpropertywithinthe Eastern Region
Availability ofcommercial registrationora valid license
To be ownedormanaged bySaudi nationals
Thathave passed sincetheprojectbegan operatinglessthan ten years
Evaluation criteria:
Severalstandardshave been adoptedby the Committee ofthe awardinthe nominationand selection ofthe winninginstallations, namely:
Strategic objectives
Market knowledge
Human resources
Information Systems
Creativityand innovation
Fill in the applicationform forparticipation
Copy of the commercialregistration or license, orthe company's contract(if any)
ImageCivil StatusCard
A picture ofa certificatebelongingto theChamber
Memorandum of Associationestablished
Stages ofthe selection:
When theconditions and proceduresfor eachsubscriptionfacilityis completed,the Committee shallassess theavailable information abouteachfacility,determinethe final number offacilitiescandidateto enter the contest..andthatafter passingthrough several stagesare:
The first phase(receiving applications)
Thereceptionfacilitieswishingto runapplicationsfor the awardafter completingfill out an applicationto participate,andprovide the requiredpaperworkandform,throughmultipletransmissionoptions
The second stage(the study ofapplications)
The Prize Committeewill consider the applications,and to make surethey conform to thestandards ofrunning forthe award, and thennominate a number ofestablishments ineach sectorfor the final stage.
The third stage(field trips)
At this stage,will bevisiting thefacilitiesthat have reachedthe final stage, and thenthe announcement ofthe winnersin each sectortarget.