• 85 solution for the problems of Saudi investments in Egypt


    85% solution for the problems of Saudi investments in Egypt

    Secretary General of theAssociation ofEgyptian-SaudiBusinessAhmed Darwishsaid hehas resolvedmore than85% ofthe problems ofSaudi companiesoperating in EgyptandcompaniesAssembly, in collaborationbetween a number ofcommitteesformedby the EgyptianMinistry of Defense,in coordination with theSaudiEmbassy in CairoandAmbassador AhmedAl-Qattan,and fullcareofthe Egyptian presidency.
    He saidDarwishyesterdaythat the remainingproblemsare some of theminthe Egyptian Ministry ofReligious Endowments,and the otherbetween thethreecompanies toSaudi investorshave3,500acresinSadat City,andconfined totheir problemin thedisengagement ofa number ofstateofthe ministries ofagriculture, housingdevices, unlikesome of the problemsin the process ofadoption,afterthe findingsof the Commissionand theDepartment of Defensetolegal solutionssatisfactoryfor all parties.

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