Dears/ Members of the Chamber
Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best regards, and informs you that it has received an email from the Council of Saudi Chambers, in which it is indicated to the very urgent telegram received from the General Authority for Foreign Trade No. (18652) dated (4/16/1442 AH), and to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs telegram No. (069240-42- 01) On (8/4/1442), regarding the Ministry’s receipt of a telegram from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Embassy in the Republic of Cuba, which included the presence of His Excellency Mr. Rodrigo Malmerca Diaz, Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment of Cuba, to meet with heads of foreign missions in Havana to announce the date of the “Forum of Cuba” For Virtual Business 2020 in its first session during the period (23-24 / 4 / 1442) corresponding to (8-9 December 2020).
in reference to the cancellation of the annual Havana International Fair due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this virtual Cuba Business Forum 2020 is the appropriate space for business owners to learn about opportunities for partnership, discover new markets, enhance business opportunities with Cuba and Cuban business owners, and learn about the main export products and facilities provided by Cuba. For foreign trade and foreign investment, where 1000 services and products available and can be exported will be highlighted, as well as 400 foreign investment projects, in addition to the possibility of holding 150 bilateral meetings for business owners, and the forum coincides with the launch of the central offices of the unified window for foreign investment (vuinex), which aims to Simplifying procedures and shortening the period of issuance of permits.
for more information and registration, those interested can visit the following website: (www.foroempresatial.mineex.gob.cu)