• Vard Singapore, a leading ship design and construction company is looking for Saudi institutions.



    Peace and blessings

               Asharqia Chamber presents its best regards and informs you of  the receipt of the letter of the Commercial Attache of the Kingdom Embassy in Kuala Lumpur (No. 151/6 / KKL) date 19/10/1438. The Saudi Commercial Attache in Malaysia received a letter from Vard Singapore, one of the leading companies in the design and construction of ships. Saudi Arabia related to the field to discuss opportunities for cooperation and business.

    Therefore, we hope that all companies and institutions interested and specialized in this field, to communicate directly with the company at the following address:

    Vard Singapore Pte Ltd

    Guifu Hunag

    Sales Manager

    12 Marine View # 29-03 Asia Square Tower 2

    Singapore 018961

    Hp: +4770210600

    Email: guifu.hunag@vard.com

    For further information, please contact the Commercial Attache in Kuala Lumpur on the following numbers: + 2654/60321412654 Fax: +60321412657

    Email: saudicommercialkualalumpur@gmail.com

    Sincere regards and appreciation.

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