Gentlemen/building materials companies
Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best regards, and informs you that it has received a letter from the Council of Saudi Chambers No. (L / 1443) and the date (06/22/1441), in which the reference is made to the speech of the General Secretariat of the Arab Union for Cement and Building Materials (Arab International Authority affiliated with the League of Arab States and Council The Arab Economic Unit - its permanent headquarters, Damascus (No. 125), dated (05/27/1441), regarding their request for new addresses for e-mail and websites for construction materials companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the purposes of updating the database with the Federation's General Secretariat.
Accordingly, the Council hopes from the concerned parties to send the request to the secretariat's e-mail:
(aucbm@net.sy aucbm@scs-net.org).
Sincerely Regards