The Chamber presents itscompliments,this is to inform you that we receivedthe letterof Saudi ChambersCouncil (ش.غ/ 24)dated(01/04/1436),referredto theletter ofthe Ministry of Commerceand IndustryNo.(267/2/1/1997/ع)dated(26/12/1435)containingthat according tothe monitoring systemfor early detection ofcases againstSaudiexportsof thecountries of the world, which isthe General Directoratefor commercialprocessorshavebeen detectedby Turkeyto declarethe start ofthe investigationof anti-dumpingon(15/10/2014)againstimports fromKingdomand several other countriesof thepolycarbonatefilmsBroehlin(BOPP)whichfall under theheadingof customsnumber(3920.,has been grantedthe power to investigatethe parties involved37 daysfrom the date ofannouncement of thestart of the investigationendsin(21/11/2014)to advertisethemselvesas a partyinterested inthe caseand to providedata and informationrelating to the investigationand to respondto the lists ofquestions.
Further information onthe list ofcompanies thatofferand issuethe productreferred toin order toadvertiseitselfas a partyto the authority ofthe investigationonthe investigation orthe speed ofcommunication with theGeneral Administration ofprocessorscommercialacting,andthe ministrywillprovide acopy ofthe list of questionstoget themas soon asyoucirculate.