The EastChamberpresents its compliments,this is to inform you that we received a letter from theCouncil of Saudi Chambersnumber(ش.خ/ج/ C/1061) dated(06/04/1436),referreditto theletter ofthe Ministry of Tradeand Industryincludinga letter ofthe Federation of Chambersof the Gulf CooperationCouncil (GCC)andthedecision of the CommissionGulf Cooperationat its meetingNo. (49), which was heldinKuwaitonMay 14, 2014mto preparea study entitled"Protecting theGulf investmentsabroad."
Accordingly, the Boardhopesofbusiness ownersto provide them withthe constraintsfacingtheir investmentsabroadin preparation for discussionat the nextmeeting of theTask ForceProtectionGulf investmentsabroad,the Ministry ofCommerce, Industry andwithin ten daysof the date hereof.
You cancommunicate directlywithMr. /MohammedRamadan,executive directorof foreign affairsatTel:(0112182185),Fax:(0112182111),Emile:(mramadan@csc.org.sa).