• The intention of the Center to conduct a comprehensive survey of programs and initiatives for youth


    Peace and blessings. 

              Asharqia Chamber presents its best regards and informs you of  the receipt of the letter of the Council of the Saudi Chambers No.(14) date 5/1 / 1439, referring to the letter of the King Salman Youth Center No. (405) date 22/12/1438 regarding the intention of the Center to conduct a comprehensive survey of programs and initiatives for youth By the various governmental and private institutions and non profit sector institutions in Saudi Arabia. Accordingly, the study requires collecting data on the objectives of these programs, the target groups, their activities, the most important skills that the programs aim at developing, the relationship of the programs with the development plans and the vision of the Kingdom 2030.

    Therefore, a specialized team has been assigned to prepare this study by the Center. The Council hopes the concerned parties to cooperate with them and facilitate their task. If any inquiry is available, please contact Ms. Mai Al Baz (0504264772) Email: malbaz@ksyc.org.sa .

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