• The incidence of rheumatic disease in the Republic of China


    Dear/ subscribers of the Chamber


    Asharqia Chamber presents its best greetings to you, and would like to inform you of receiving the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers (SG / 6) dated 1/1 / 1440, which is referring to the letter of the Ministry of Trade and Investment No. (61755) dated (30/12/1439), on a temporary ban on the importation of animals of the equine species (horses, mules, donkeys) from the Republic of China.

    The ban is based on the information contained in the Warning Bulletin issued by OIE on 27/8/2018 that is including the incidence of rheumatic disease in the Republic of China, as well as the decision of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture No. (142/79731/1439) dated (22/12/1439) that to impose a temporary ban on the import of animals from the Republic of China.​

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