Dears/ Members of the Chamber
Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best regards, and informs you that it has received the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers No. (L / 1822) and the date (09/14/1441) and referred to in the Saudi Health Council letter No. (10-25581) and the date (09/13/1441 ), Included in its decision No. (5/88) and the date (04/25/1441) regarding the electronic tracking system for the human medicine, and to circulate His Excellency the CEO of the Food and Drug General Authority No. (25385 / B) and the date (08/28/1441) based on a telegram His Excellency the Minister of Health No. (1641335) and the date (27/08/1441 ), the Chairman of the Committee formed with the two High Orders No. (35280), the date (06/07/1441), No. (34130) and the date (01/06/1441) to take all the necessary precautions to prevent Outbreaks Corona virus in the Kingdom, regarding what was presented at the sixty-first meeting of the aforementioned committee held on (27/08/1441), and the need to know the stocks of government and private health sectors of medicines during this pandemic and follow up their availability in a way that is commensurate with the supply chains and production of local factories, and what The committee concluded that it is necessary to emphasize the governmental and private health sectors by fully linking with the electronic tracking system (monitoring) at the Food and Drug General Authority, and that all government and private health sectors raise data for the drug stock currently available to them within (72) hours.
Accordingly, the Council stresses on the health sector the importance of a full link with the electronic tracking system (RSD) at the Food and Drug General Authority, in addition to raising the data of drug stocks currently available through the electronic link (https://dgs.sfda.gov.sa) during (72) An hour in preparation for the lifting of the committee concerned with the report of the health sectors response to electronic linking and raising of drug stock data.
Best Regards