• The approval of technical regulations


    ​Gentlemen/ Members of the Chamber


    Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best regards and informs you that it has received the letter of the Federation of Saudi Chambers No. (43100108) dated (10/1/1443), a reference to the letter of the Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization No. (038) dated (1/8/1443) and attached to the decision of the Authority’s Board of Directors No. (09/179/2021) in its meeting No. (179) held on (15/6/1442) regarding the adoption of the following technical regulations:

    -Technical regulation for limiting dangerous substances in electrical and electronic devices and equipment.
    -Technical regulation for imported used vehicles.
    -Technical regulation for leather products

    Which will enter into force and mandatory application from the date of (2/6/1443 AH) corresponding to (5/1/2022 AD) and the date of (7/5/1441 AH), and view the regulations, please enter the link (https://bit.ly/ 2VVRjNU) and for more information, contact the Director-General of Technical Regulations in the Authority, Eng. Sultan bin Saleh Al-Shehri, at the e-mail: (ss.shehri@saso.gov.sa), mobile (0535151003)​

    Sincerely yours


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