The EastChamberpresents its compliments,this is to inform you that we received a letter from the Council of Saudi Chambersnumber(ش.غ/1124) dated(04/09/1436),referreditto theletter ofthe General Authority forFood and Drugnumber(11076/ع)dated(03/29/1436)based onthe Council ofMinisters Resolution No.(176)dated(05/02/1435)onspecial proceduresto reduce theharmful effects ofenergy drinks, as itsdecisionas follows:
1.prohibits the advertising ofanyenergy drinkordopropagandacampaignsor promotionalhimby any meansinformationalReadoraudibleor visualorany other means,the removal ofpaintingsin shops, cars androads andallreferencesto theadvertising and promotionof thedrink, whetherdirectly or indirectly.
2. It is prohibitedto care foranysporting, social or culturalorperforming any work thatleads to thepromotion ofappropriate.
3.prohibitsthe distribution ofenergy drinksfor freeto consumersof allage groups.
4.prohibits the sale ofenergy drinks inrestaurants andcanteensin governmentfacilities,educational facilities, health,government and privatesports clubs.
5.must be adhered toby typingthe text ofthe following-warningsin Arabic andEnglish-on the packagingclear andprominentmanneranda different colorunprecedentedword(Warning)lineis equivalent totwice thelinecomponents of the druga person caneasily read(notthe productof anyhealth benefitand eatmore thantwo cansa daymay leaddamage your healthandwarnthatpregnant and lactating womeneatand who areless than sixteenyears oldandsuffering from heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, andthey have tocaffeinesensitivityandathletesduring exercise).
6.to bedisplayedenergy drinksproductsinrefrigeratorsor shelvesdedicating separated from thebeveragesand other food productsandwrites onrefrigeratorsorallocated tothose drinksin thedepartment stores'shelveswarningswritten on thepackagingshould be clearandprominentandunprecedentedspeechin a way(warning).
Accordingly, theCommissionstatingthat itwill be given tomanufacturersandimportersdeadlinewith respect tomodifyingthe warningon the packagingthat thedeadlineending on the date(06/01/1436e)notethat afterthe end ofthe prescribed time limitwill be appliedaccording tothe penalsystem.