The EastChamberpresents its compliments,this is to inform you that we received a letter from the Saudi Chambersnumber(ش.غ/ 918) dated(03/20/1436),referreditto theletter ofthe Minister of Commerceand IndustryNo.(267/6/1/52/ع)dated(07/03/1436),includedtheministry's desire toprovidean environment conducive toconsumercareaffairsand protect it fromharmful practicesand savethe interests ofthe merchant andencouragethe exercise of economicactivities in thelight offair tradeandfree competition, theministry hasprepared a numberofguidingpoliciesforrelationstraders andconsumers,to explorethe viewsof Commonsabout itand receiveNotesinterested, specialists andproject developmentin the light,in order to providemodel documentsare clear andspecifichelptraders andconsumerson the order ofeffects thatarise fromtransactions thatsay soamong themselves, includinggrazingrights of the consumerand keepsat the same timethe interests ofthe merchant andoftentheseare placedpolicieson the plateinsidethe shoporplacedin the back ofthe billis composed ofthe firsttwo aspects:bindingoftheregulatorytextto the presence ofirregulardetermined-II:trade policyaimstraderstoprovidebenefitstoits customers.
For a copyof thespecifications of the project, please visitthe website of theCouncil of Saudi Chambers: (www.csc.org.sa) (Home-Services-economic information-a variety of information.)