Gentlemen / Manufacturers and importers of energy drinks products
Asharqia Chamber presents its best greetings to you and would like to inform you that it received a letter from the General Authority for Food and Drugs No.(22859/ R), dated 14/5/1439. The letter pointed out that the Authority seeks to regulate the procedures and processes related to "Energy Drinks" products, to tighten their supervision and to provide the best services to facilitate the importers and local manufacturers in the speedy completion of their transactions.
The Commission's decision No. (22050 / s) dated 11/5/1439 stated that as of 13/14 / 1439H (1/2/2018), the food sector will be responsible for the procedures and operations related to "Energy drinks" whether imported or locally produced. Therefore, the pharmaceutical sector will not receive any transactions related to energy drinks from the date mentioned above.
In fact that the SFDA will not allow the marketing of energy drinks and will not allow them to be released unless they meet the requirements of GSO 1926 ("Requirements for the Trading of Energy Drinks"), and the procedures for registration and manufacture of local products.
The Authority affirms the need to include in their contracts a text guaranteeing their rights to the exporter in the event of proven non-conformity of the food products to the approved technical regulations or the non-validity of the accompanying certificates. Therefore, the importer and factory will be liable in case of violation.
Accept Our Sincere Greetings