and blessings,
Asharqia Chamber presents its best
regards and informs you of the receipt of the letter No. (2711) date
11/11 / 1438, referring to the letter of the Ministry of Commerce and
Investment No. (51866) date 7/11 / 1438, about the letter of the Ministry No. (11431) date (Pesticides
- Detergents - Refractories - Refractories... etc), on the necessary
measures to prevent the entry of chemical containers in all its forms,
or to display them on the market unless they contain the procedures of
identification and to be in Arabic in order to avoid their risks. That
the Ministry mentiones that there are many of these materials are
displayed in shops, shopping malls and shops selling car accessories
and auto parts do not carry procedures seriously and the careful use of procedures and first aid.