• Non-compliance of some food importers with the requirements of the standard technical regulations


    Dear/ subscribers of the Chamber


    Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best greetings, and would like to inform you of receiving the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers (SG / 2825) dated 20/11 / 1439, which referred to the letter of the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (No. 69297 / GS) dated 18/11 / 1439, which includes the non-compliance of some food importers with the requirements of GSO: 323 "General requirements for the transport and storage of refrigerated and frozen food."


    In fulfilling the public interest and in the interests of food safety and thus reflected in the health and safety of the consumer, and in order to preserve the national capital and to avoid the exposure of refrigerated and frozen food consignments for lack of permission to release, the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) wishes to inform all importers of refrigerated and frozen food that they will not authorize the release of refrigerated and frozen food consignments unless they meet the requirements of GSO 323 "General requirements for the transportation and storage of refrigerated and frozen food" in particular the items described in the letter of the Authority.


     For more information and to know the items in the letter of the Authority, you can visit the website of Asharqia Chamber www.chamber.org.sa

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