Gentlemen/ Importers of Sheep Meat and Products
Asharqia Chamber extends its best regards and informs you that it has received the letter from the Federation of Saudi Chambers No. (45519493) dated (5/9/1446 AH), which refers to the letter of the Ministry of Commerce No. (28792) dated (28/8/1446 AH), and attached to the telegram of His Excellency the Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture No. (11072646) dated (27/8/1446 AH), which refers to the telegram No. (11013295) dated (5/2/1446 AH), which includes imposing a temporary ban on the import of sheep (sheep-goats) from the Republic of Romania, and whereas a technical team from the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture visited the Republic of Romania to meet with officials and assess the epidemiological health situation of the small ruminant plague on the ground, and the preventive measures taken by Romania to ensure the quality of livestock exports to the Kingdom and their freedom from epidemic animal diseases, and the visit showed the safety of the measures taken by the Romanian government regarding the spread of the disease Small ruminant plague, and accordingly, Ministerial Resolution No. (15196788) dated (8/16/1446 AH) was issued, lifting the ban on importing sheep (sheep-goats) from the Republic of Romania.