and blessings
Asharqia Chamber presents its best
regards and informs you of the receipt of the letter of the Council
of Saudi Chamber
(2535) date 12/10 / 1438, referring to the letter of the Human
Resources Development Fund (HEDAF) No. (38/8011) date 13/9/1438,
which included the launch of summer training program "summer" This year, the fund under the supervision of the Ministry of
Labor and Social Development in cooperation with private sector
establishments to provide training opportunities for students during
the summer vacation period, with the aim of investing their time and improving
the values and ethics of work and providing basic skills to
facilitate their entry into the labor market after graduatio, so we hope that everyone will interact and stick to the decree and
the ministerial decision and participate in the summer training program
by registering in the program and offering the training opportunities
in the site dedicated to this program through the electronic link: