Gentlemen / Corporations and road transport companies
Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best greetings, and would like to inform you that it received a letter from the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization No. (3253 / AS) dated 11/5 / 1439H.
This letter referred to the organization of the Authority issued by the Council of Ministers resolution No. (216) dated 17/6/1436 on the contents of articles 3, 4 and 5 of the regulation, which states that "the Authority is solely specialized in the development and adoption of standard specifications and the publication of these standards in ways that the Authority deems necessary. This is to ensure the quality of national products, to enable national products to compete in local and international markets, and to protect the Kingdom's markets from counterfeit goods."
The Authority has issued a number of technical regulations adopted by its Board of Directors at its meeting No. (162) held on 20/2 / 1439H, as follows:
Technical Regulations for Trailers and Semi-Trailers.
Technical Regulations for Auto Spare Parts.
Technical Regulations for Electrical Vehicles.
Update the technical regulations for paints and varnishes.
These technical regulations were published in the Official Gazette on 18/4/1439 H in order to achieve all of our objectives, protect the consumers, and support the products and the national economy. Therefore, the Authority would like to inform you that the application of these regulations would be mandatory.
For you knowledge and information