• Improvements to controls program support working women transfer


    Dears/ Members of the Chamber


    Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best regards and informs you that it has received a letter from the Human Resources Development Fund -Hadaf- No. (1054-1442) and dated (4/22/1442), based on the role of the Human Resources Development Fund (Hadaf), in empowering Saudi female employees in the private sector and supporting their stability Functionally, finding solutions to reduce the burden of transportation costs, improving and developing the environment for transporting women to and from the workplace, by ensuring a safe, high quality and safety transportation service, in partnership and cooperation with private taxi steering companies through smart licensed applications.
         In line with this role, the Fund made several improvements to the controls of the Worker Women's Transfer Support Program (Wusul), including:​

    -Covering 80% of the cost of each trip between work and home, with a maximum monthly wage of 1,100 riyals, for those who earn a monthly wage of fewer than 6,000 riyals.
    -Covering 80% of the cost of each trip between work and home, with a maximum of 800 riyals per month for those earning monthly wages ranging between 6001 and 8,000 riyals.
    -Extending the period of benefiting from the "Wusoul" program to 24 months instead of 12 months.​

    The Human Resources Development Fund hopes that the establishments will review the new improvements made to the program to maximize the benefit and achieve the desired goals, and visit the program’s page to learn about the registration mechanism and requirements via the electronic link: wusool.sa
          You can also contact the Director of Enterprise Empowerment Programs at the Fund, miss. ​​Nouf Al-Qahtani, via e-mail: na.alqahtani@hrdf.org.sa or on mobile number (0505275197).​​

    Sincerely Regard

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