The EastChamberpresents its compliments,this is to inform you that we received a letter from the Council of Saudi Chambers(ش.غ/707) dated(03/02/1436),referredto theletter ofthe Saudi Councilof Engineersnumber(20 837/م /36)dated(24/2/1436)referredto theSaudi Council of Engineersissued by RoyalDecree No. (م/ 36) dated(26/09/1423), whichpointed outinarticle IItotargetthe bodyofthe advancement ofthe profession ofengineeringand all that woulddevelop andraise the level ofthe professionand its staffand wheretheSaudi Councilof Engineersmember of theFederation of Arab EngineersUnionintendstoimplement a projectguideArabengineering companies,where thedirectory containsapage for eachpostandengineering companyisprovidinga number(10)copies of each,and the cost ofparticipatingcompany.
-$ 1,000the first page.
-For each additionalpage$ 500.
The manual Will beputon theUnionGuidesiteandsitesengineeringbodiesin addition to theprintedhardcopyin sufficient numbers,
For more informationor inquiriesplease contact thesecretariat of theFederation of Arab Engineersat the phone number(0020225775744or0020227735610)faxnumber(0020225775744)E-mail: (arabengs@hotmail.com).