• Free registration opens for the Saudi Contractors Authority


    Gentlemen/ Members of the Chamber


    Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best regards and informs you that it has received the letter of the Federation of Saudi Chambers No. (43103114) dated 14/7/1443 AH, indicating that the Federation received the letter of the Saudi Contractors Authority No. (1962-SCA) dated 14/2/2022 AD. Reference is made to the decision of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Contractors Authority dated (10/6/1443 AH) corresponding to (13/13/2022 AD), which states (to allow newly registered enterprises to obtain free membership for a full year, provided that they register for the membership of the Authority within three months of starting Issuance of commercial registration, Opening the door for free registration in the authority and obtaining free membership for six months for small and micro enterprises, provided that the period for allowing registration is three months from the announcement of that), and this is within the framework of the authority’s continuous endeavor to regulate the sector and activate the Council of Ministers’ directive to the Saudi Contractors Authority to establish mechanisms Ensure the participation of contractors in its membership.

    You can register via the authority's website (https://sca.sa/ar).

    Sincerely yours

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