.Sirs / respected
chamber participants
Peace and God's mercy and blessings
The chamber presents its finest
greetings, and informs You of the receipt of the letter of Saudi Chambers
Council Resolution ( 50)
and the date (01/02/1438) referred to
receiving the Council letter of the Ministry of Trade and Investment No.
(65160) on (12/27/1437) referred the letter of the Deputy General organization number
(60244) date (4.12.1437 e), about what the istitution of the production of flour and selling
it to their customers at prices from the country with the aim of bread
insurance (bitta -samoli) to the consumer without shortages , the institution
and through observing the market has noted
that some bakeries were directing flour
to products of (high profitable) like deserts, pastries and and lack of
The Council urgs automatic bakeries and semi automatic
to provide bread (bitta -samoli) at all
times with the standard weights and prices, that whoever violate them and in case
of repetition, the General institution ofgrains
will stop his share of flour.