• Development of the automated customs work to facilitate communication with customs agents


    The east Chamberpresents its compliments,this is to inform you that we received theletter ofthe Council ofSaudi ChambersNo. (ش.غ/3391) dated(21/12/1435),referreditto theletter ofthe Customs Departmentgeneralnumber(110614) dated(12/18/1435e)which statesthatthe competent authority inthe interests of theGeneral Customs(information center)has developedautomated systemsfor businesscustomsto facilitate communicationwithcustoms agentsand providing servicesthat contribute to thedelivery ofinformationon the status ofthe activityto the importerso that it issending a text message(sms)onMobilebeneficiaryin the following cases:
    1.stopimported serviceoperationsautomatically.  
    2Turn offautomated processesto the Commercial Registersuspended.
    3bookingthe commercial register imports automatically.
    4.determinethe financialdifferencesrequiredto repay.
    5.determinepremiumsthat have beenpaid.
         TheCouncilCalls upon stakeholdersand interested partiesto updatecontact informationregistered with thecustoms ports(land,sea, air)to take advantage ofthese services.​

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