Gentlemen/ Members of the Chamber
Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best regards and informs you of receiving the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers No. (42503986) dated (10/18/1442), and a reference to what was received by the Council from the Federation of Gulf Chambers No. (A.G/J/140) and dated (3/5/2021).Regarding the intention of the General Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council, represented by the Technical Office for Combating Practices Harmful to International Trade, to initiate an anti-dumping investigation against the GCC imports of the product of piston engine batteries with a capacity of 32 up to 225 Amperes originating or exporting from Spain, Turkey, India based on the decision of the Committee No. (39/9G/2021) regarding the approval of the anti-dumping complaint submitted by the Gulf Industries.
And in order to allow all stakeholders to participate in the aforementioned investigation and defend their interests within the period specified in the announcement of the start of the investigation published in the official bulletin of the Office of the Technical Secretariat for Harmful Practices in International Trade No. Gulf, Gulf consumer/importer): (https://cutt.us/5jshv).
Sincerely yours