Gentelmen/ Members of the Chmaber
Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best regards and informs you that it has received the Investment Fund Company letter No. (524-1-288-1442) dated (24/7/1442), Regarding building bridges of cooperation between higher education and the pure sector, the Investment Fund Company has worked to establish a platform for cooperative training (coop.edu.sa), according to the attached leaflet, that allows companies in the private sector to access an integrated database of data for students who want to have the opportunity to train The cooperative for a semester or according to the policy of the training agency.
Therefore, the platform hopes for those concerned and those who wish to register in it from the date (29/8/1442 H-11/4/2021), and it will be launched on (9/13/1442 AH-4/25/2021).
For more information, you can contact the Investment Fund Company on the mobile number: (0558026667) or e-mail: (info@coop.edu.sa)
Sincerely Regard