• The Meeting with the President of the Republic of Albania

    Event StartDate :05/02/2019
    Event EndDate : 07/02/2019


    Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best greetings, and would like to inform you of receiving the letter of the Saudi Council of Chambers No. 1147 dated 14/05/1440, which includes organizing a meeting for Saudi business owners with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania and the accompanying delegation that will be held on Thursday, 2 Jumada II 1440 (7 February 2019) at 10 am, in the hall of Rashid bin Abdulrahman Al-Rashed in the first floor of the Council of Saudi Chambers, in order to discuss investment opportunities in the Republic of Albania.


    So if you would like to participate,  please fill out the form and send it back to Malrashed@csc.org.sa

    For further information, please contact Mr. Meshary Bin Ibrahim Al-Rashed on (0112182195).​

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