• Saudi delegation leaves to Berlin from 17-18 December

    Event StartDate :17/12/2019
    Event EndDate : 18/12/2019

    Asharqia Chamber offers you its best regards, and we inform you that we have received a letter from the Council of Saudi Chambers No. G / 777 dated 4/4/1441 AH, which includes inviting Saudi business owners to participate in a departing Saudi delegation to Berlin during the period 17-18 December 2019, where this visit comes The framework of holding a Saudi - German business meeting and participation in the work of the Saudi - German Joint Committee.​

    Therefore, we hope those who wish to participate fill in the attached participation form and send it to Mr. / Mohammed bin Fahd al-Shadi, Director of International Relations Department of the Council of Saudi Chambers on mobile (0500105720) or e-mail (MAlshiddi@csc.org.sa).


    Participation Form.pdf

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