Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best regards, and we inform you that we have received the speech of the Council of Saudi Chambers No. PJ / 1478 dated 25/06/1441 H, which includes organizing a delegation of Saudi business owners to the Republic of Turkmenistan during the period 16-19 March 2020, with the aim of participating in the Turkmenistan Forum For international investment 2020, meeting with companies participating in the forum and discovering investment opportunities in Turkmenistan, which include the following sectors (construction, industry, chemistry, petrochemical, gas, agricultural industry, tourism, transportation, logistics, e-economy).
So we hope those who wish to participate and fill out the participation form (in English) at the following link: For more information, please contact Mr. Khalil Al-Afra, Regional Director of the International Relations Department at the Council of Saudi Chambers on the phone (0112182183 mobile) (0506663937) Email: