• The delegation of the Young Businessmen Council in Eastern Region is visiting Germany.


    To improve the international labor relations.

               A visit to Germany will be on Monday, April 24, for five days. The delegation will visit Germany as  a part of the "Ziarat" program, one of the programs of  Asharqia Young Businessmen Council and improving the international labor relations, as well as motivating the trade exchange between the Kingdom and other countries.

    According to the program of the visit, which lasts until April 29, 2017, the delegation will visit Hannover exhibition, one of the largest industrial events in the world, the Chamber of Commerce and the port of Hamburg, in addition to the visit of Siemens and the factories of Audi and BMW, Winternhmer tom is interested in innovation and business pioneering, as well as Munich University of Technology, which supports business pioneering in Munich.

    It is worth noting that the Youth Business Council was established to raise the level of performance of business institutions in the region, especially youth, and that such visits aim to enable young people to learn about experiences in the fields of economic development and the most important economic gatherings and exhibitions in different countries.

    The Council visited more than one country to learn about its economic features, such as the UAE, which was visited by the Council in 2015. It also reviewed the features of the UAE experience in the development of small and medium  institutions, in addition to visiting the largest commercial and industrial establishments, Members of the Young Businessmen Council there and its work mechanism.

    The Council also visited Japan in 2016, to learn from its experience in patronizing small and medium institutions, which is considered a leading  international experience, and was highlighted in more than one meeting in Asharqia Chamber.

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