• Specialized: More than 28% prevalence of breast cancer in the eastern region


    Recovered review their experience in the branch of the ِAsharqia Chamber of Jubail​

    Specialized: More than 28% prevalence of breast cancer in the eastern region​

    An awareness lecture organized by the Asharqia Chamber in its branch in Jubail Industrial City in cooperation with the Saudi Cancer Society reviewed the experiences of women who had been exposed to breast cancer.​

    During the lecture held on Tuesday, October 15, 2019, the head of the radiology department at the General Security Forces Hospital and a diagnostic radiologist for women, Dr. Iman bint Abdulrahman Al-Mahous, presented a number of important topics for women and stressed the importance of early detection before the disease spread.​

    Dr. Al-Mahous said that breast cancer surprises the patient after its spread, as it shows signs of fatigue and fatigue. When the disease is detected in advanced stages and the treatment may not affect it. Serves women with free disclosure.​

    Dr. Al-Mahous stressed the need to examine and not hesitate, pointing out that women are an essential element in family formation and an effective element in society and must be preserved and protected from this malignant disease. More than 18,000 cases have been examined since 2008, and 131 cases have been detected.

    Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in the eastern region (28.7 percent), followed by the thyroid gland (11.5 percent), colorectal (9.3 percent), uterus (5.8 percent), liver (2.5 percent), brain and nervous system (2.2 percent).
    On the other hand, the recovered Ruqaya Al-Ghamdi presented her experience, starting from being informed of her illness and the psychological condition that required her through her cohesion and undergoing a treatment program, where she reported many suffering and stages of regaining her strength to face the disease.​
    It is worth mentioning that the lecture witnessed an exhibition accompanied by a number of plastic artists who presented a variety of creative messages through paintings that reflect the importance of early examination, adherence to force and fighting disease.​
    In conclusion, the Saudi Cancer Society and the head of the radiology department at the General Security Forces Hospital and the diagnostic radiologist for women Dr. Iman bint Abdulrahman Al-Mahous were honored.

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