Road Transport Committee stresses the importance of finding lands
The EastChamber road transportCommission stressedthe importance offollow-updevelopments ofthe subjectlandswith the Secretariat ofthe eastern region,thislandimportance comes fromthe development ofthe transport sector,and raisethe level ofperformance of thecompanies, as well asits rolein resolvinga number ofproblemscaused by theshortage of landprepared for that.
The Committee emphasizedinits meeting heldTuesday, February 3, 2015chaired bya member ofthe Chamber ofManagementandChairman of the CommitteeBandarAl-Jabrithe importance of aradical solution tothis phenomenon, whichfall withinthe road transport sectorproblems.
On the otherhand,briefedmembers of the Committeeat their meeting, whichwas allocated todevelop an action planfor the current yearon the experience ofparticipationin theEastChambergalleryin 2014.
The Committee alsoexpressed concern about thephenomenonexacerbatedtheft forauto transport,which involve asignificanteconomic impact, as well asother challengeshave contributedto the reduction ofthe developmentand growth of thesectorandcontribute to thedelay inthe transfer ofgoods and commodities.