developed an action plan for 2015
"Lawyers Committee" choose Alsaleh as president and Omari vice president
EastChamberLawyers Committeechosethe lawyerKhalidAbdul LatifSalehas presidentby a majority ofvotes andSalmanOmarivice presidentby acclamationduring ameetingwhichwas heldWednesday,January 14,2015at the headquarters ofthe mainChamberin Dammam.
The meetingreviewed a number oftopicsthat make up theambitionsof theemployees of thesectorin the eastern region.
The Committee discusseda number ofideas andproposalsthat willactivelyattorney'slegal adviceupgrading,and reviewedthe terms ofthe plan of actionhasto be implementedin the currentyear,the Commission,events thatwill becarried out,andthat wouldthe Committee's objectivesand aspirations ofservice.
Committee ChairmanKhalidSalehsaidthat the Commissionhas setthe samedevelopment and protection ofthe profession,andimprove the performance oflawyers,throughseminars,lectures and workshops,and communicate withthe relevant officialsand dialoguewith them onissues of common interest, which wouldraise the level oflegalawareness among themembers of the society.
AlSalehpointedout that thework of thecommittee thatdevelopedthe new2015contains manyevents and activitiesthat we hope willbe supportive ofall ofour goalsin thesophisticationlevel of performanceamonglawyersand legal advisersplan.