In a meeting hosted by the East Chamber yesterday
German experience looking for a Saudi partnerships in the eastern region
Minister of Statefor Economic Affairsin the GermanFranzJosephBachirBavariaregionconfirmed that theGermanindustrial companieslooking tomore partnershipswith their counterpartsin Saudi Arabia,in order tosupplement theSaudi IndustrialDevelopmentmoreproducts, expertiseand modern technologiesandinvestmentopportunities.
Bachir, who headed theGermaneconomic delegationvisited theEastChamberon Thursday(01/29/2015),met a number ofbusinessmen in the regionlead,president of the EastChamberAbdulrahman binSalehAlotaishanand his deputyHassan binMisferAl-Zahrani..Bavariaregionishome tomany of therecognizedcompaniesglobally,itis hometodozens ofsmall andmedium-sized companiesspecializing inindustry, trades andservices sectors,is also famous fororganizinginternational trade fairs,whichare heldin a largeGermancities likeMunichandNuremberg..calling forSaudi companiesto participate in thetrade fairwhichwill be heldin Munichduring the period (5 to 8 May 2015), where thevalueofwhichwill displaythe latest technology intransport and logisticschainareas.
The head of theChamber ofAbdulrahman binSalehAlotaishanmay occurduring the meeting, sayingthat the FederalRepublic of Germany,one of the leadingcountries with whichthe Kingdom ofdistinctiveeconomic relations,reflected in theterms of trade, whichhas improvedanddevelopedsignificantlyin recent yearsthe level, astradebetween the two countriesis estimated at morefrom46.6billion riyalsof which44.8billion riyalsimportsSaudi Arabiafrom Germany..and the presence ofGerman companiesthe Saudi marketisdistinctive,has400 companiesexceeded thesize of theinvestmentlimits ofthe$ 8 billionnumbered,andenjoyall thegood reputationamong consumersandinvestorsand the citizenandresidentin theUK,andthatfor itshigh quality products..
Alotaishanpointed out thatthisgrowth andthedevelopment ofeconomic relationsbetween the two countriesdid not comefrom a vacuum, but ratherwas the result ofa series ofjoint effortsmade in recent years,from the presence ofthe leadersof the two countries,andthe agencies responsible forthe development ofeconomic relations betweenthe two countries,friendly countries, featuredresultsinincreaseExhibitioncatalogsGerman productsin thekingdom,and the marked increasein the number ofvisits oftrade delegationsbetween the two countries, whichhave contributed to thecreation ofmany of theconsensusand understandingsand memorandums ofcooperation as well asjoint ventureswe observeclearly,andwe seethe resultsin the form ofproducts andgoods andgoodsof high quality.
In this area,Ataishannotedthe prominentlargecontributeand the effortsofMr. AndreasHergenrother,German Industryand Tradedelegatein Saudi Arabia,hasplayed an important roleinthe opening of the"German Office"in Jubail Industrial City,this city, whichis a milestonein the industryskynationalArabia,has becomea centerfor many of theworld-classindustries,especiallyin the chemicalandpetrochemicalproducts. Alotaishanhas predictedentry of moreGerman companiesthe Saudi marketto take advantage ofeconomic policy andattractive packageof incentivesannounced by theSaudi governmentto foreign investors.
It is noteworthythat the Germandelegation includedspecialists in theoil and gas industry,and thesolutions toenergy, water,andsewage treatment,andurban designand architecture,and the automotive industryand so on.