Eastern Chamber held an expanded meeting of businessmen in the middle of a large presence of Jubail
Alotaishan: ready to adopt any project to serve subscribers in the province
Chairman of the Board of Jubail Qahtani -: meeting underscores the importance of communication between the Chamber and its subsidiaries To slogan decentralization
Eastern Chamberheldthe evening ofTuesday, January 27, 2015,the expandedbusinessmeeting inthe province ofAl-Jubailin the presence ofa large number ofbusinessmenatInter-ContinentalHotel.
Andopened by the Presidentof the ChamberadministrationAbdulrahman binSalehAlotaishanthemeetingexpresssincerecondolenceson the death ofthe Custodian ofthe Two Holy MosquesKingAbdullah bin Abdul Aziz, callinghimmercy andforgivenessGod to Grantusthe best rewardfor hisfor his homelandandhis peopleand the Araband Islamicnations, andcall onGod toreconcilethe Custodianof the Two HolyMosques KingSalman binAbdulaziz, theCrown Prince, His RoyalHighnessPrinceSultan binAbdul AzizandCrownCrown PrinceHis RoyalHighnessPrince Mohammed bin Nayefbin Abdulaziz.
He Alotaishanthankedgreatinteractionfrom the business sectorin the provinceand ensure theattendanceto enrichthe meetingandsaid: I appreciateyour desireto interact with theEastChamber, and promiseon behalf of theBoard of Directorsand the executivemust doour best tofurther communicationwith you,in order to achieveour shared aspirationsto developbetter economic,environmentandmoretomeetour shared hopesand goals.
Alotaishanin a speechduringthe meeting, whichwas attended byVicePresidentHassan binMisferal-ZahraniandRashidbin Abdullah Al-RashidandAbdul MohsenBinAbdul MajidFarajand head ofbusinessJubailCouncilAlQahtani,general secretary of theChamberAbdulrahman binAbdullahAlwabil saidthatJubailprovince,with itsnatural resources, etc.seenfrom themega-projectsis undoubtedlyone of theglories ofArabiadevelopment,no doubtof itspowersand humancompetenciesinvarious fields,especiallyinthe field of financeandbusiness,puts usin front ofa challengeof a particular kind,andhardlybe different from thechallenges that we facein the economicmarch,specificallyin the industrial field, aswe could tellhimthatthe challenge ofthe nextkeep upin the future, which beginstodayfor those whohavethe potential ofyour provinceeconomic, human andnaturalcomponentsthathad not yet begunyesterday, achallengeto outdooneself, in addition tothe face ofthe claimsupon you andweeraofvariablescall forsupremacy in the"type"of achievement andKiffa,notjust thesize of theachievement andpunch,in furtheranceofour countryfor itsprogress and developmentandgrowthin all fields,especiallythe economic sphere.
Alotaishan:in order to effectuatethis vision, theEastChamberfully prepared toadopt anyprojectservingsubscribersin Jubailprovince,and raise thelevel oftheir contribution to theeconomic life,andputseffective solutionsto anyproblemwe canovercomeand resolved.
Accordingly, we arein theEastChamber,and throughthe work of theCouncilof EastChambergovernorate ofAl-Jubailbranch,openedmany channels,we will openotherchannels of communicationwithall government agenciesand privateand corporategiantsoperating in the province,andWe do so inthe desire tofurther growthanddevelopment,and the search forpoints of convergence,in order to achievemoreaccomplishmentson the developmentallevel.
Alotaishanat the conclusion ofhis speech,to lookintothe implementation ofa series ofeventsin Jubailprovince,andincluding, for example:seminars, workshops, training courses,foreigntrade delegations,andallactivitiesthat deal withsmalland medium-sizedenterprises,soas it representsJubailofimportance,and the magnitudejointofthe provinceofhighfeatures, aswe find that theJubailpreparedfor many of theevents,as itrepresentsa pivotal positionin the economies ofthe eastern regionof Gulfcapitalindustry,especiallyas it containsa giantindustrial complexes.
AndAlotaishanprovidesincere thanks and appreciationtoHis RoyalHighnessPrince Saudbin Nayef binAbdulaziz, Governor ofthe Eastern Provinceon the permanentsupportfor EastRoomand interest inthe businesssectorin all governorates ofthe eastern regionandthanks goto His Highness thePresident of theRoyal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu, Prince Saudbin Abdullah binThunayan Al-SaudandHis Excellencythe Governor ofJubailBadrAtaishanHEChief Executiveof the Royal Commissionfor JubailDr.MuslehAl-Otaibi,andresponsible forallgovernment agencies.
He stressedthat the meetingwill beof interest tothe Board of Directorsand the executivein the Chamber andwill be placedon its agenda, pointingto theinterest in promotingactivities andtrade delegationsand programsin theprovince.
For his part,MetlaqQahtaniHead of BusinessCouncil that themeeting comesconfirmation ofthe importance of communicationbetween the Chamberand its subsidiaries,an investigationof thesloganof decentralization,andthe direction ofactivatingthe roles ofpartiesalongthe center,and deepenthe language ofthe interaction betweenthe region's capitalandrelated accessoriesand its suburbson the one hand,andbetween the parties ofthe region,andto promote theprocess of expandingPostthrough which we canthatwe spenda lot ofobstacles tocommunication and interaction, leading tobetter performanceof the chamberand its subsidiaries,in furtheranceof our national economy,to support theprocess ofgrowth, increaseGDP,for allnational effortsthat canenhanceour development process, whichcan contribute tothe development ofthe culturalrenaissanceexperienced bythe Eastern Region.
AlQahtani saidthat theJubailwitnessedan economic renaissanceandwideover the past years,and was ableto puther nameamongthe most importantcities ofthe world's energy, which putson our shouldersheavy responsibilities,andconfronts usgreatchallenges,exploitedwhatgave him theleadershipof this part ofthe eastern region ofimportance,until it became"the value of"universalinthe field of energyand related industries, andherecomethe challenges,out of respectfor thisimportantinvolved inJubailprovinceeconomically and socially,with itsnatural resources,and witnessedthemega-projectsrepresentone of thewinchesimportantto the process ofArabiadevelopment, in addition tothatwhat we haveofnational cadresmankindis able tosupply theeconomic growthfor ouroperation invarious fields.
Al-Qahtanisaidthat theCouncilactsJubailhas achieveda lot ofevents and programsduring the recent period, the Councilwas able to developthe relationship between thebusinessin the province, whichcan be asuitableground,andpointthe realstarting point,towardsgreater interactionwith the center,wherethe Chamber ofmanagement,wherewe seethe need toinvestthe common aspirationofthe Business Council,and the visionbroaderaspirations ofthe business sectorin the region, whichinvites us tolook forward tofurther communicationandinteraction,and wait fora dialoguefertileand productive, sowe goall ononebaseofthe vision andstrategic objectives andthemes,investment forpotentialJubail andits componentsand resources,be they economic,natural or human, social,orcultural, whichwe are confidentthat it will besuccessful, God willing,and the fruitofwhat we are tryingtocommunicate andinteract,inour belovedservice.
The meetingincludedan importantdialogue withthe audiencebusinessmenabouttheir aspirationsandthe maindifficultiesfacing themthrough the exercise ofeconomic activitieswhereattendeesstressedthe importance of increasingthe events and activitiesrelated toforeigndelegationsand exhibitionscatalogsand workshopsthat discussimportanteconomic issues.