East Chamber organizes workshop to introduce the fuel economy of vehicles on the card
TheEastChamber organizeSunday, February 15, 2015anda workshop entitled "Identificationcardon thefueleconomyof light vehiclesand requirements"atthe headquarters ofthe mainChamberin Dammam.
The SecretaryGeneral of theChamber ofAbdul Rahman binAbdullahAlwabl saidthat the workshopto be heldat10:00am until13:00andhostedSheikhHamad AlgosaibiHalland that theywill takea detailedexplanation aboutthe card andthe most important criteriathat requireobtainedinteractionwith the announcement ofbodyspecificationsin the month ofDecember 2013in collaborationwith the Ministry ofCommerce, Industry andinterestGeneral Customsand the SaudiCenterfor Energy EfficiencyStandardformandatorycardfueleconomyin the newlight vehicles.
Alwabil saidthatthe workshopaimedto the importance ofthe cardthat contribute toconsumer awarenessof energy efficiencyinlight vehicles, thevehiclesof less thanthe totalweight of3,500kgby showingthe cardover theconsumption ofeach vehiclefuel, asvehiclesare divided into6 levelsin terms of energyefficiency(Excellenthighestand lowestTerrible).
TheMinistry of Commerce andIndustryhas committedin the month ofAugust 2014That vehiclesshowrooms hasto putthe card onorbeside the(distancedoes notexceed100cm)each vehiclebeforemodel year2015 andfollowed bythe first phase, and in thesecond phase, whichlast Januarybeganobligescooperationwith the importerCustoms Departmentthe presence ofthe card onevery newvehiclefeaturedmodel2015 andfollowedso thatthe cardplaced on theleftrear windowof the vehicleand there iswhathindersvisionin any way, andwhen they cannotputfueleconomycardon the leftrearof the vehiclewindow, youputfueleconomycardon the windowin the left front.