East Chamber organizes real estate management diploma program early February
The EastChambertraining centerorganize (Real EstateManagementDiploma)programunder the slogan(Propertyengine of growthin the national economy),for two monthsstarting fromthe beginning ofnext February,with fourhours a day,over theeight weekshousedthe headquarters of theChamber inDammam.
TheEastChamberSecretary General Abdulrahman binAbdullahalwabelstressed on the importance ofthis program,which comes fromthe centrality ofthe real estate sectorin the overall developmentthat prevailed inthe countryduring the current stage,providesa direct contribution todrive growthand createmore jobs,has been provento be linked tomore thanninety-twoindustryandactive, which means thatthis sectorengine of growthin the national economy.
ALwabilexplainedthat the programaims toprepare and qualifyinterested andwilling to workin this fieldqualifiedscientifically,provide them withthe experienceandpractical experienceofexperts and specialistsin this field,makesthe trainee, God willing,qualified to doall thevarious real estateactivities..pointing out thatthis programisimportantfor allthose interested inthe domainof real estateand staff,including:marketers, builders,the staff offinance andreal estate products,officials ofreal estate portfolios,and the staff ofmortgageinsurance,appraisers, builders,andlegalin the real estatefield,andresearchersin the field ofpreparation ofReal EstateStudies.
The program addressesovereightweeks,a numberof issues related toreal estate,wheredealsin the firstweek(the introductionof the systemof real estate),will bethroughthe study ofthe fundamentals ofreal estate work,and to providea historical backgroundtothe theories ofreal estate,and reviewsomeinternational experiencesandexamples,minuteandlook at thereal estate investment,and steps todevelop theland,withan attempt toexplorethe future ofreal estatein Saudi Arabia andthe Persian Gulfstate.
In the secondweek, you'llbe Looking atProgram(engineering and technicalaspectsand their impact onthe property), wherewill bethe study aboutconstruction methodsand their impact onthe property,how to studythe technical aspectsof the propertyand its accessories,determine the age ofapproximateproperty,theeffectsof engineering and technicalon the property, structures, engineering designand its impact onprice of the property,and to studythe chartsand read.
The thirdwe0ekwas devotedto discuss the issue(evaluation andreal estate valuation)during whichaddressedseveral issues, notably the(entranceonreal estateand importance ofvaluation,real estate valuationand characteristics of themethods,and themethodology ofreal estatevaluation, thevaluationof land and buildings, commercial and residentialschemes, rents,and evaluation ofassetsand commercial projects,preparation ofpreciousReportsreal Estate).
Accordingly, theprogramwill be lookingatthe fourth week(real estatefeasibility studies), tomentionthe importance ofthe economic feasibilityof theprojectstudy,the study ofinvestment opportunity,the feasibility studyof theenvironmental, legal,and logisticalaspects,andtechnicalandfinancialproject.
The program addressesin thefifth week ofthe subject(the property froma financial point)isthroughsearchpropertyaccounting,and operational planningfor themanagement of real estate, mortgageand financefromthe accountingpoint of view,and read thefinancial statementsinthe real estate sector,and the mechanism ofthe preparation ofthe real estateand financialplans,and real estate investment.
The sixthweek, it wastitled(propertylegally), where participantsin the programbriefed onethicsandliterature ofreal estate work,andregistration systemsand acquisitions,the provisions of thefinance andmortgage,the governmentin the propertyandsystems,systemsof municipalitiesin the real estateside.
For theseventh week,the subject of(US)as they arewhichtouchedon the specification ofthe successfulmarketerand marketing,to learn about thecompany's products andcompetitivereal estate,the skills ofinformation gathering,research and investigationforthe customer,and presentation skills, negotiation andconductingprofessionalinterviews,and to identify theclient's requirementsandServicesaftermarket,andhow to meetcustomers'objectionsandclosingthe salesprocess,as well ase-marketingskills.
Theeighth weekand lastwas dedicatedto the theme(Real Estate Asset Management), relevance andorganizational structureto it,and the preparation ofjob descriptionsfor employeesmanagethe property,and methodsand management techniquesin this field,and to develop strategiesand action plans forreal estatemanagement,andplanmaintenance ofthe propertyand to developa budget, put thesecurity andfireplans.