East Chamber held the expanded business meeting in Khafji with impressive attendance
Alotaishan: the city bear economic fundamentals and promising development and responsibility
Al Dossary: Business Council introduced a number of initiatives supported by the Chamber for the benefit of subscribers
The head of theBoard of Directors ofthe EastChamberAbdulrahman binSalehAlotaishansaid that the Chamberis toensure thecontinuous communicationwithits customersin allits branchesin order to achievethe common aspirationtodevelopbetter economicand work environment thatmeets thehopes andthe ambitiousgoals.
Alo taishanDuring the expandedbusinessmeeting held bythe EastChamberinKhafjirecentlywitnessedthe presence ofa member ofthe Board of Directorsof BandarAl-JabriandHakimAmarSecretary GeneralAbdulrahmanAlwabil saidthat the Chamberrecognizes the importance ofKhafjiprovinceof the national economy,andseethat there arepromising investment opportunitiesandbroad prospectsfor workcould befor private enterpriseslarge and smallto do,both inthe fields of industryin variousfields,orintrade andallits activities,orin the serviceand its subsidiariesandtheir ranges..We believe thatthe existingprojects inthis youngconservative,a fraction ofwhichaffordthis provinceofthe ingredientsmake itina betterposition,andtop-notchaffair,and spentinfluentialineconomicgrowingandevolving,and this brings usfullresponsibilityto take advantage ofthisfactmotive formoreoptimismwhatever isbestforthis provinceandits citizensandbusiness men and womenwho work in theserviceand fortheir development.
Alotaishanannouncedduring the meetingtheapproval of theBoard of Directors ofthe EastChamberto set up anew building for theBranchChamber ofKhafji.
thenAlotaishanwentsaying:If we talk aboutdevelopment, it mustrecognizethe challenges,whichmaybe found inthe path of developmentandevolution,which isthe normal conditionappearduringany activity,in any society, inany organization,evenbeforealsoindividuals, with regard tothe EastChamber, theyfind themselvesinvolved, asthe main,the economic situation,andbelieves that it istheir responsibilityto contribute topromote and develop andaddresstheir problemsand challenges, namely, thatit does notpresent itself asa substitute forsubscribersofbusiness men and women, but it isan institutionbased on a vision, mission and objectives,is keen torecruitallwhathasthe potential ofphysical, human andtechnicalin favor ofsubscribers, in addition tothe development ofthe business environmentin the province,in order to savethebestconditions that contribute tomaintainingthe economics ofservice,her family.
Alotaishanin hisgalleryspeechon this occasion saidthat thisexpanded meetingcomesand othermeetings,has been formedthe workof the provincial council, which includesa group ofbusinessmenfrom the province, andresponsibilities ofthe intersection withvarious governmentaland non-governmentaland socialagencies,to addressthe aspirations ofthe province,andindustry trendsprivateandwork with himto achievevarious waysandmeans available,andsome of the objectivesofthismeeting today.
At the conclusion ofhis speech,Alotaishanraisedthanksto HisRoyal HighnessPrince Saudbin Nayef binAbdulaziz, Governor ofthe Eastern Provinceon the permanentsupportfor EastChamberand interest inthe businesssectorinallprovinces ofthe eastern region,allthe representatives ofgovernment agenciesin the province,also thankedthe governor ofAl-KhafjiMohammed Bin SultanAl-Hazzaonsupportfor the activities ofthe roomChamber,in cooperationwith all theproposalssubmitted bybusinessmenfor the development ofthe province,also thankedthemembers of thebusiness CouncilChamberbranch ofKhafji,andallbusinessmen and businesswomenin the provinceon theeffortsbeing made toprovidemore projectsfor the benefit ofthe province.
For his part,Chairman ofthe EastChamberCouncilthe governorate ofAl-KhafjiAl Dossarysaidthat theChamberpaycareful attentionto the development ofthe performance of theprivate sector enterprises,seekingto monitor thegrowth and developmentmilestones,knowledge ofthe challenges and obstacles, and thenreachedwithsubscribersoptionsbestwork,morein terms of botheconomic projectsquantity and quality..
He furtherpointed out that thePermanentCouncil seeksto communicate withsubscribers,and coordination withvarious governmentand semi-governmentand privateentitiesinthe province ofAl-Khafjibecause thereare points of convergencewe meetaroundwhichallthe interests ofthe province,which is theaim of all.
Al-Dosari said, the Councilover the past yearshasa number of initiatives,andoversawa number ofprograms and events, and organizedmeetingssupported bythe Chamberthatgroup, allare in favor ofthe participants,and their future..noting that theGovernorate of Al Khafjistillnewin economic terms, thoughthe futurecarriesa lot ofprospects thatrequiresall of usto take advantageof them,in order to developandmaintainthe developmentofvariousaspects.
AlDossary calledattendeesto interactwith the chamberprogramsand events, because weare all workingfor a better tomorrow.