Accompanied by workshops specialized for Job Seekers
East Chamber concludes today the 2014 Jobs Exhibition and Forum in allocated to families
Al Humaidan: The exhibition has achieved remarkable success in attracting a large number of companies and job seekers
Rresearchers saw opportunities for better and Scholarship holders were keen to be present to seize opportunities
Specialist : installations require specific skills and Seekers aspires to work in the bonus
The most prominent event in the region recorded visit of 15 000 job seekers in three days
Conclude on Thursday 30 October 2014 the East Chamber forum "employment 2014" launched by Monday under the auspices of the Governor of the Eastern Province, his Royal Highness Prince Saud bin Naif and inaugurated by His Highness Prince Fahad Bin Abdulaziz bin Mesaed, Deputy Governor of the region, continued for four days at the Dhahran international exhibitions company Center located Dammam-Khobar coastline, with the participation of more than 100 companies, more than 10,000 job opportunities for Saudi youth day devoted to families. The East Chamber general Secretary during the tour said that the show has witnessed great interaction by job seekers registered in three days, the presence of some 15,000 job-seekers of different districts of the eastern region and also saw attendances from different provinces of the Central and Western region, given the importance of the exhibition, which included large companies and many large numbers of quality that caught the attention of applicants and holders of higher education diplomas and competencies.
Alwabil mentioned that the Chamber was able to achieve flexibility in recording and the diversity of views so the audience can move between options without any obstacles in accordance with the plans were implemented on the ground nicely through the team trust him a lot in his performance to achieve high standards of the Chamber. Alwabil called during the exhibition day for ladies to take advantage of their presence in the exhibition and benefit from it the most to show today's workshop by the responsible company for information security (Taqat ) Bedour Bint Majed Al-Zamil called (job readiness) first start at 12 to 1.30 pm and the second at 7 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. dedicated to the ladies.
In the same context the functions 2014 fair saw visit from the Chamber human resources committee, Saleh bin Ali al Humaidan, which contributed to designing the program accompanying the exhibition and formulate the scientific conversation, where the show has achieved remarkable success in attracting a large number of businesses, job seekers, who came from various regions and governorates of the Kingdom, as well as the eastern region. He met along his representatives of the companies participating in the exhibition, as well as a large number of visitors to the exhibition, he said that the situation is promising and optimism even more assurance that the additional building block on the project and the project for the saudization for every citizen and every official in this country. Al Humaidan said the highlights of what was seen in the light of the meeting with company representatives and Job seekers, is that the companies have received a large number of young graduates, and graduates of foreign universities, some from King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz scholarship, some graduates of the universities, the various scientific disciplines and management, all of whom were the focus of the exhibiting companies, each By specialization.
Organization appeal along to the exhibition as a masterpiece of organization as the largest career fairs in the Kingdom, and was not surprised that the destination of people from outside the region, which has taken troubles in order to benefit from the service provided by the Gallery, where the proportion of not a few of the visitors to the exhibition are not unemployed, but are seeking better career opportunities, I see development in labor market in the Kingdom, with the young is not Looking for work from the original, but the best Finder of employment, means increasing the size of the capacities and capabilities of the quantity and quality. Al Humaidan said that most indicators show sufficient indication of the success of the show, which we hope to see results in terms of increasing the presence of the Saudi youth at work in the private sector.
And on the scientific program, said Al Humaidan program accompanying the exhibition, was a further step to support the saudization option, which comes through training, rehabilitation, and overcome the participants discussed the program and most of the experts and specialists of several topics related to localization, steps to provide advice on how to apply for a job and the personal interview and impress the employer. The sincere thanks and appreciation to the members of the human resources Committee, and to all our sponsors and supporters of this exhibition, which he described as ' a step in the way of the future '.
The scientific program at the level of the scientific program, the head of the Department of employment in the branch of human resources development fund in the eastern region (aim) Abdulrahman bin Abdulaziz Al-Thunayan, who submitted a working paper in the first period of the program of workshops on Wednesday 29 October 2014 Dhahran entitled fairs (job search comes from inside) that the staff member who aspires to get job creation must have the capacity and the potential to get. Althunayan said that Job seekers if he has those abilities can discuss the job that suit them directly and he must write the steps and time plan for getting the capabilities and information to get the job.
The steps that helps you to draw a clear and flexible career path and gives you a feeling of happiness and contentment and also helps you to reach the awareness of the abilities and tastes, pointing out that the post is a specific job responsibilities and tasks to a clear job description. And speaking of the profession said Thunayan as career consists of a set of functions with common long term and require focused professional detectives accumulated reverse job requiring diverse disciplines and focus on the specialization of the post itself. He pointed out that there are some frustrating employee the reducing capacity if the income in comparison with the rest of his teammates entered the area where the adverse action because of the comparison, saying that successful human is who has a plan and a work program either has failed only justifications. And the difference between an employee who is in a comfort zone and the other happy with his work said that the first type works less than its potential is not happy in his work and fear of change and just looking for money. And the second type is the best potential loves and happy in his work and money is looking for.
You are ready
in a working paper entitled (are you ready) by the evening of the scientific program Tuesday 28 October 2014 General Manager supply Bandar Alsafeer stressed the importance of a job applicant for good neatness and good looking and to commit to attend the appointment, noting that it is one of the indicators that show how Job seekers respect the job and work schedules. ALsafeer said during the workshop conducted by E conselt Group CEO Khalid Bin Mohammad alshniber that the applicant should not dwell in any means during the interview and focus on modern offset to be balanced is not easy and avoids the speaker until the province does not lose important points of the meeting.
Alsafeer mentioned several tips during interview for example, don't ask about salary received monthly, weekly and annual holidays, pointing out that such information would be available if he has reached the stage of signing the employment contract. Alsafeer invited the applicants to make the most of the Web sites that offer new programs in CV preparation and also make use of successful experiences and expertise in their preparation saying that it became available and the job seeker can write a CV in a modern style reflects his personality contributes to the delivery of information that interest properly. Alsafeer emphasized the need to read Job seekers for the employment contract to be signed by pointing out that some companies write a complicated contracts cannot be understood and therefore reading could not complete and signing the consent and explaining the information is difficult to understand so the applicants has the right to ask. And about the experience during the three months of work, said that this period is for the two parties, the employee maintains his work appropriate and the company is not bound by any obligations.
For their part,expressed by a numberofvisitors to the exhibitionhoped toget jobssuited toscientificspecialties, stressingthat the number ofcompaniesin a largeexhibition,thusoffersmany and varied, stressingthat theexhibitionin themediahave beenpushingthemto visitthe exhibition,andhold outthe hope ofa broadhopesforactivenessthroughthis exhibition.
They reportedthat theysensedthe seriousnessofthe Saudicompaniesto attractyoung people,and this is whatsendsoptimistic thattheygetjobsthat make themstability.
Hadi al-Yami(MScinbiology)thatmoderngraduate,looking for a job, foundinseveralcompaniesmakes presentationsjob,and hopeto have thesituation thatI'm looking forwardto it, andby virtue ofspecializationLook fora company that offersmemy fieldat the heart ofa specialist.
ButAbdullahAlkaaaba(DiplomaAccounting)has made it clearthat he was workingina companyin Jubail, came tothe showin order tolook forbetterjob opportunities,betterspecifications,andsaidthat thesalary isthe decisive factorin this matter.The exhibitionsaid that he hadprevious experienceinacareer fairshave been successful,andhe wanted torepeatthroughthis exhibition, wherethe bestjob opportunities. Timeis evolving,andcompaniesevolve,depending onitsfunctionsare looking forthe beststudents.
For his part,saidonAl-Bishi(Diploma inAccounting)Hegraduatedfromthe year 2012and islooking for a job, andwhataspiresto himis to workin his field,regardless of thehours,salaryat the present time,pointing out that theexhibitionprovidesa valuable servicewill try totake advantageof them.
A witness saidSadiq (employeein the specialtyexaminationoilpipelines),hecame tothe showin order tosearchfor a jobwith abetter salary,and looksbecausecreatesa special project.
ButSalehMenhali(elementarycertificate)saidthat he wasworking fora companyandwhen he heardabout the exhibitioninitiatedthe visitand saw theopportunitiesthat fitwith thequalification, he isserious aboutgettingan appropriatejob opportunities..He said thatexhibitorsare many,andmost of themrequirehighqualifications(whatabove thesecondary),and this is whatis not available..andhasexpressed the hopeto geta job.
Ali Alilihasexplainedthathe holdsaprimaryqualificationand he is already employed,saying it a serious job to search for a better job ..pointing out thathe heard aboutputten thousandjobsandhoping to find acompany that offershima chanceandfunctionalqualificationcommensuratewithhis salaryclipper.
ButAbdullatifAl-Suwaidan(BAflags)came tothe showtosee thecareer opportunities,andthecompaniesand what they offerthefunctionalpresentations, perhapsgota better jobthan they are.