Chairman and members of the East Chamber Management support the Leadership
The President of theCouncilof EastChamber of CommerceAbdul RahmanBin SalehAlotaishanexpressed the support from thebusinesssector in the eastern region,behindSaudi Arabiawise leadership,the embodiment of thefaith ofthe country to beaware oftheir ability tocope withallthe challenges facingthe nation,and its ability to"leadership" withinArab and Islamic nationsin the face ofvariablesinternational,pointing out that thebusinessmen and businesswomenin the region,thesubscribers ofthe Chamberconfirmedpledge of homageto the newleadership ofSaudi Arabiarepresented by theCustodian of theTwo Holy Mosques KingSalman Bin AbdulAziz Al Saud,andthe Crown Prince, His RoyalHighness PrinceSultan binAbdul Aziz Al Saud, Deputy Prime Minister,and the Interior MinisterPrince andHis RoyalHighness PrinceMohammed binNayef bin Abdul Aziz.
Alotaishan:Thewave ofsadnessdeep,businessmen and businesswomenin the region,grief overthe death of KingAbdullah bin AbdulAziz,will be transformedinto positive energyfor the homeandbusinessin the regionthat willtranslatethisenergy intoa sincerework,and thatgriefwill turntotenderandperformancein order to increaseproduction,and raise theexport capacityoffactoriesand private sector companies,toserve theincreasingsize of theeconomic growth, raising theGDP.
He addedthat theprivate sectorin the eastern regionto pay allegiance tothe Custodian ofthe Two Holy MosquesKingSalman Bin Abdul Azizandthe Crown Princea,to standbehindthe newSaudi leadership, althoughthe EastChambersubscribersandmembersof themen's and women'sprivatebusinessleadership at thededication to work,in order to contributeto the achievement ofstrategic optionsfor the homeland,and to workwith allwho havethe energy,the strength andthe willto work,to speed upthe process ofnational development,andserviceobjectivesand economicprioritiesof the Kingdom.
The DeputyChairman ofthe EastChamberHassan binMisferAl-Zahranisaid liningof the private sectorin the eastern region,in theservice of the homeland,would standbehindthe leadership,pointing out thatpledge allegiance tothe private sectorin the regionto the Custodian ofthe Two Holy MosquesKingSalman binAbdul Aziz, theCrown Prince,isan extension of thetrustgranted by theSaudi people,allclassesand socialclasses,anddifferentwalks of lifefor his leadership, which has giventhis country,established arenaissanceand progress,pointingto the historicalandthe extraordinaryrole ofking-founderAbdul-Aziz AlSaud(may Allah have mercy on him)his sonsKingsinthis homeservice,in various fields,andat all levelsand in allregions of the Kingdom,eventhe kingdombecame aplace ofadmiration andesteemofallcountries of the world,its peopleand its leadersandgovernments,whathas madeprogress andthe rise ofan unprecedentedmade theKingdomof the most advancedcountries, inthe forefront,has also occupiesa prominent placeamong the largestand strongesteconomicpowersin the world, addingtoits presenceas an influential forcewithin the"Club", which includestwentysummiteconomicallylargestcountries in the world.
Thepriceof theSaudi leadershipbidsto the homeland,praising thesuccessiveachievements ofleadershipin all areas,stressing that thegains madefor "citizen"Saudiduring the past decades,is an extension ofthe wisdom ofKingleader andfounder(may Allah have mercy on him)AbdulAziz bin Abdul RahmanAl-FaisalAl-Saud.
Thevicepresident of the EastChamberMohammed binSaadAl FarajTheprivate sectorgot a lotof gains,over the years,pointing out thatthe Saudiindustryin particularhas receivedunprecedented attentionfromthe Saudi leadership,pointingto an increase inthe Industrial DevelopmentFundloans,more thantime, in support ofbusinessmen and businesswomenin the Kingdom,andstrengthen the role ofSaudi Arabiainthe industryto raiseeconomic growth rates,and theincrease in GDP,anda development ofits contribution toimproving the performance ofthe national economyin general.
He stressed that theKingdomhas seenhistoricachievementscharacterized byinclusivenessand integration,saying thatthese achievementsformeda uniqueera in thenation-buildingand development,stressing that theera of the Custodianof the Two HolyMosques KingSalman Bin Abdul AzizAl Saudwill seemoreof the"achievements",pointing outseeculturalinsightto whatit should behomeandcommunityrights in thekingdom,saidthat the newSaudi leadershiphas many"keys"the progressofthis country,expressing confidenceinthe continuation of workandstrideson the path tofurther growthand progressin variouseducational, economic andagriculturalaspectsandindustrial, cultural,social and physical,pointingto the role ofkingSalman binAbdul Aziz,"Godsave"inthe consolidation ofhis brothersofKings "mercy of God"in alltheir decisions,andto sharetheiropinionand wisdomin the activation ofthe National Actionelements within theUK, and inthe promotion of "joint Arab action",Gulf andthe Arab world,andstrengthen cooperationin the Islamiccircle, in addition tostrengthening the role ofthe Kingdominregional and globalaffairspolitically, economically andcommercially.
TheCouncilof EastChamber of CommercememberBandarAl-JabriAl-Qahtanihas made it clearthat thekingdom has alsohit theexamplefor the worldto growat all levelsduring theperiod of time thatwas at the topleadershipof the lateKingAbdullah bin Abdul Aziz whichtodayprovide a modelfor political stabilityandmechanismsmoothin the formation ofarule,the Saudi peopleinteractwiththis method,andgivesthe gift ofone manto declareallegianceto the Custodian ofthe Two Holy MosquesKingSalman binAbdulaziz,andthispledgewas notonlyto find outthat peopleto this manwho has spentmost ofhislong-standingin theservice of the people,gropingtheir conditions andsolvetheir problems,thisuniquemodelanda uniquerelationshipbetween the rulerand the people" you area worthy successorto the best predecessor..and weannouncea pledge toensignand the Secretariatand the leader ofthe march, whichwas startedby Kingfounder ofthe late KingAbdulaziz bin Abdulrahman Al Saud,marchedthemvaluedhis sons(Saud, Faisal, Khaled andFahdandAbdullah), and hereis thecontinuingmarchled byKingSalmanandhis Crown Prince, His RoyalHighness PrinceSultan binAbdul Aziz,His RoyalHighness PrinceMohammed bin Nayefbin Abdul Aziz..may Allahreward youallfor what they attributedtothisgenerous country.
TheCouncilof EastChamber of CommercememberRashidbin Abdullah Al-RasheedsaidSaudi Arabia, whichentered a new eraever-huggingglory,andis seekingto raise thegrowth andcivilization, whichculminatedwith moreachievementsduring the reign ofthe late KingAbdullah bin Abdul Aziz(God bless his soul) ..this countrypreciouscommitted itselfto continuethe achievements,the Saudi peoplecarriesin itselfthe Supremeambitions,hedeclaresallegianceto the Custodian ofthe Two Holy MosquesKingSalman bin Abdulaziz,whoknewthe peoplewith wisdom andpatience and goodmanagement and leadership, he istodaycontinuethe long marchwas startedfounderthe late KingAbdul-Aziz AlSaud,andmarchedDistinguishedbyhis brothers..atthis historic momentofferobedienceand loyaltyto the leader ofthe march,calling onGod Almighty tobe appointedto carrylargeSecretariatappointed bythe Secretary-Prince, Crown PrinceSultan binAbdul AzizandCrown PrinceHis RoyalSiouxPrinceMohammed bin Nayef.
For her part,the Council ofEastChamber of CommercememberSamiraShazamWe declareallegianceto the Custodian ofthe Two Holy MosquesKingSalman bin Abdulaziz,the property ofthiscountry'sprecious,andHis RoyalHighness PrinceSultan binAbdulaziz, theCrown Prince,andHis RoyalHighnessPrince Saudbin Nayefas crowntocrown,inthisWe believe thatthe appropriatecatalystandthe future looksencouraging,becauseour countryis going according tothe foundations ofcertainrules ofIslamic lawderived fromreligion,ageandmimicevolution,seeks topairingbetween traditionand modernity,the countryhassucceeded ina lot ofsituationsinthis aspect.We knewfromthe biography ofKingSalman bin Abdulaziz,much much moredependentthese bilateral,whichfailed toachievemany,ifwe are tostrike, for example,saythat womenin Saudi Arabiahave madethe process ofscientific achievementsandimpressive,withmaintainingthevalues andmorals, customs and traditions.TheCouncilof EastChamber of CommercememberAbdul Hakimbin HamadAmaral-KhalidiWeextend a hand ofallegiance, obedienceand loyaltyinhardship and ease,activatedtheimpeller,to theCustodian ofthe Two Holy MosquesKingSalman bin Abdulaziz,may God preserve him,whichwas ahelpto the leader ofthe latemarch, KingAbdullah bin Abdul Aziz(God bless his soul),today hecompletesthe marchalong withCrownPrinceSultan binAbdul Azizand CrownPrince Mohammedbin Nayef binAbdulaziz,diligentlyand faithfully,hasannouncedkeepsGodinhis first speech asthe faceof the Saudipeople ofnoblecontinuityin the process ofhis brother,the late, God willing,to continue theachievements,and saveinterests of the people,the development ofthe country, servingthe Two Holy Mosquesofpilgrims.
Inthe same context,saidthe Council ofEastChamber of CommercememberAbdul Rahmanbin RashidAl-Rashid:We are inthis historic moment,andafter the transfer ofthe Custodian ofthe Two Holy MosquesKing Abdullah bin Abdulaziztothe Supreme Comradefind ourselvesoptimisticpersonCustodian of theTwo Holy Mosques KingSalman bin Abdulaziz,his modestyand goodmanagementand highcapacity in themanagement of the country,"a worthy successorto the best predecessor" ,,ask God toperpetuateourfull throttleand security..and to preservethis