Regarding the Employee Stimulation Program (Netaqat) and after the updates that has made over the past seven years, Ibrahim bin Ali Marzouq, the head of activities and programs in the Labor Office in the province of Qatif, confirms that the program is subject to the requirements of the market, and goes according to the goals set for it in support of resettlement and seeks to achieve the objectives of the Vision of the Kingdom 2030 to raise the proportion of resettlement in the private sector.
This came during a monthly meeting that is organized by Asharqia Chamber in its branch in Qatif Governorate (January 15, 2019).
He explained that the percentage of Saudization takes place in the program based on calculating the percentage of Saudi employees of the total employees in any establishment, and the sources of information in this regard is the General Organization for Social Insurance and the National Information Center of the Ministry of the Interior, where such information is processed, and on the basis of which the settlement ratio is calculated at the establishment.
He explained that the part-time worker and the student are considered half-worker, while the employment of workers with disabilities is equivalent to 4 workers, and the released prisoners are equal two workers.
He pointed out that the percentage adopted in the ranges (of the worker) is running according to the principle of the minimum wage of 3000 Saudi riyals.
The monthly wage is divided by the minimum multiplied by 100 and the ratio is calculated later (Monthly wage / (3000 × 100) = ....
He added that the aim of the program is to facilitate the services of the Ministry of national facilities that have achieved the required rates of resettlement that to meet the Vision of the Kingdom of 2030 and to achieve the objectives of the national transformation that aimed at improving the labor market.
Based on the data of previous years, the program contributed to the acceleration of the growth of the localization of jobs by 16%.
The increase in the percentage of Saudization in the private sector increased from 13% to 17% and contributed to the doubling of the female presence in the private sector.
He pointed out that the program through all its procedures and mechanisms used to motivate entities to invest more in human resources to find jobs that achieve the aspiration of citizens, as it always seeks to achieve common interests between the worker and the employer.
It guarantees the rights of Saudi workers who seek to preserve them through registering every citizen in the General Organization for Social Insurance.
This is because the calculation of any factor within the settlement percentages is based on the institution's electronically linked data with the Ministry.
As part of the program's pursuit of common interests and in order to protect the rights of employers, the program uses logical and market-based assessment criteria, where ranges depend on actual market performance over the past period through surveys and visualizations of a number of private sector establishments.
It also takes into account the size and activity of the entity to which the entity belongs.
In this regard, Al-Marzouq said that the completion of transactions is very easy, as it could be obtained electronically, and this has contributed to the increase of many entities within the program.
Among the developments or updates to the program is the increase in the number of activities subject to activities from 42 activities, as it now covers 73 activities, which is increasing green scale categories.
The Ministry in this regard seeks to provide more services to institutions that achieve the required ratios in the range in which they move, as they were divided into very small (1-9 workers), small (10-49 workers), medium (50-499 workers), large (500- 2999 workers), Giant (3000 and above), each facility is evaluated by size.
In conclusion, the guest speaker was honored with a memorial plaque.