• New European Commission is seeking to overcome economic recession



    After that Parliament granted the joint confidence
    New European Commission is seeking to overcome economic recession


    New European Commission headed by Jean Junker granted the European Parliament confidence today, from early next month to revive Europe experiencing unemployment and rising populist currents. The new European executive body got confident 423 European deputies out of 488 votes obtained by the previous Commission under Barroso in 2010, and did not succeed in attracting the 480 House of the three parties ' conservatives, Socialists and Liberals ' majority in Parliament. According to the ' French ', Juncker rejected this argument, saying lawmakers opponents and skeptics in Europe strongly representing 170 of the 75 deputies in the Parliament elected at the end of May, he told a press conference that there is a majority of euro 420 votes and is allowed to work in the coming years.
    And until the last moment three blocks leaders tried to persuade individuals to vote and raise their bargainer during hearings of political resentment of many lawmakers and some from within their mass, the voice of 32 Socialist deputies and six Liberal, three conservatives against or abstained. Miss Rebecca harms of the Green Party, said sessions to be UNHCR team was also the European Parliament, the agreements between the major blocs thwarted the process. The protests appeared in Parliament to appoint Miguel Arias Canetti conservative Spanish as Commissioner in charge of climate and energy because of conflicts of interest and to keep Hungarian Tibor nfrasis as the Commissioner responsible for culture, and 600,000 European citizens has signed a note against the appointment of Canetti. The new Executive Board to redouble efforts to persuade, and believes that this Commission will be Juncker, Commissioner for the last opportunity, to work to bring the citizens of Europe and significantly reduce the unemployment rate and give young people a European dimension or fail.
    Adina- Yona Elian said European MP the Roman province, hopes and expectations are very high, and Europe on the road to growth and regain the trust of citizens. Betting Juncker to a panel of Commissioners ' politicized ' and plan investment of 300 billion euros, but did not succeed in dispelling doubts about the activity of the Commission and on its ability to get money made promises to provide. Liberal leader Verhofstadt ing criticized this technique at work and we don't want to block things when not consistent, Pierre Moscovici Commissioner for Economic Affairs Wefladis Dombrowski, Vice President in charge of the euro, had the same doubts about the investment plan, Junker said it will be before Christmas because it urgently reminding the private sector should also have duties in the area of investments, along with political leaders. Janie Petilla, Asked leader of the Socialist bloc did not take into account the investments when calculating the public deficit, adding that we will be the social conscience of the Europeans.

    And, Matteo Renzi, Prime Minister of Italy said to the euro area must focus on growth and abandon the policy of austerity just before an EU Summit where the country's budget plans for the audit. Besides France, Italy announced plans on next year's budget are not in line with euro-zone debt and recipes for deficit reduction, Paris and Rome for exceptions under the terms of the flexibility of the mysterious. Rainsy said that we can no longer defer discussion on how Europe and especially the Eurozone seek freedom from narrow margins for directions only to adopt austerity strategy regarding the missing day growth significantly. Rainsy said he is not worried about speech expected from the European Commission demanded clarification on the financial austerity plans for 2015.

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