29 Authorities reviewLaws toProtectSaudi CompaniesfromDumping
Prince Abdul Azizbin Salman,AssistantMinister of Petroleum andMineral ResourcesforPetroleum Affairs, President of theTechnical Panel for following updumping andsubsidies,stated thatSaudi companiesare not immune fromdumping,unless an independent, efficient andeffective body for dumping, subsidyand preventive measuresis established to protect theirlong-terminterests.
Prince Abdul Aziz revealed that29bodiesare currently working onconductinga legal studyto review allregulations and proceduresto make surethat there is norule,law or regulationthat might beutilized intaking actions or filing lawsuits againstSaudi companies, pointing out thatthe negotiating teamsucceededin endingall cases thatwerefiled againstSaudiproductsabroad.