• «Euro» crisis reinforce the power of Germany 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall



    Merkel has gained the title of "Ms. No" thanks to her reservation in the use of taxpayers' money
    «Euro» crisis reinforce the power of Germany 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall


    After the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall the authority in Europe has become in Germany, not Brussels or Paris or London, to enhance the ongoing crisis in the euro zone. After the fall of Berlin in 1989, said Margaret Thatcher, former British Prime Minister approaching future, ' have we defeated the Germans twice and here they are back ', expressing fears that the reunification of Germany to its dominance in Europe. Suffice it to remember Athens in 2012 in the midst of the worst crisis of the euro, to acknowledge the concerns of Thatcher was misplaced. The criticism was sarcastic to German Chancellor Angela Merkel with Nazi images also received demonstrations against the austerity policy widely regarded as due to orders from Berlin.
    Karel lanoo Summed up, Director of the Centre of European political studies in Brussels the situation by saying: ' before the fall of the Berlin wall, Germany was on the fringes of Europe a bit. Today it is at the heart of Europe, from the point of view of geographical, economic and political '. He told AFP: 'now the heart of the engine of Europe. During the financial crisis, we have seen that Berlin has become the most important place in Europe and not in Brussels '. Indeed, Germany has consolidated itself as a giant of the European Union with a contribution of more than 27 per cent of the production of the euro area. Given the economic weight requested assistance from Germany than any other partner countries to float under the weight of debt and avert the collapse of Europe. Fear the wrath of their constituents showed Merkel initially save in using taxpayers ' money to fund the float in order to restore confidence in the single European currency has gained the title of ' Lady No.
    But the Chancellor ultimately backed down from its position of promising to support Germany for the financial markets to protect the most vulnerable States. At the same time also took over the Presidency of a small group of States, particularly from Northern Europe, to impose more stringent financial oversight and austerity measures did not enjoy popular support. Hans kondenani from the European Council on foreign relations, View based in Berlin, that ' since the start of the crisis in the euro zone and the subsequent controversy over Germany's strength in Europe, the fall of Berlin results in most different from what it was during the 20th anniversary ', for this historic event in 2009. Analysts noted that the strength of the current Germany resulting from recent economic successes, while just a few years ago, at the beginning of the second millennium, the country was described as the ' sick man ' in Europe.

    The strength of Berlin Anno said could be ' temporary ' referring to the probably ' long-term economic problems in Germany, particularly the demographic decline and low birth rate. This specialist also said that the current economic downturn in France on the French-German duo is known traditionally as the engine of Europe, to the non-binary balanced to a great extent. But at a time when the economic crisis has strengthened Europe's role many voices raised high, Germany expresses regret for the frequency of Berlin to play a leading role in the international arena. It is Germany's foreign policy outside Europe as a dominating force. For example, Merkel has discussed with Russian President Vladimir Putin since the start of the Ukrainian crisis much more than any other European leader. But they face within the European Union, criticized for its slow sometimes.

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