Asharqia Chamber, in partnership with Japan Cooperation Center for the Middle East (JCCME), is organizing a unique seminar on Kaizen Management and cordially inviting you to participate in the event at the Chamber's headquarters in Dammam.
Dr. Seiichi FUJITA
What is KAIZEN and why is it needed?
KAIZEN catches a great deal of people's attention in the world today. The Japanese word "KAIZEN consists of two symbols (改 & 善 ) . The symbol "改" means "change" and the symbol "善" means "better", so the two symbols together literally represent an "improvement".
What is "Kaizen"? It is a problem solving technique. In KAIZEN activities, workers find problems, gather ideas for solving these problems, and implement ideas for work improvement. Usually hundred ideas of accomplishing an objective exist. Here, KAIZEN means a small change for the work improvement. There are, however, medium and big changes as well. A medium change and a big change need more investment cost. Simply because KAIAZEN is a small change, the work improvement will be accomplished without spending a significant amount of money. The objective of "KAIZEN" may not directly related to cost reduction. KAIZEN simply makes work simpler, faster, more comfortable,
Why is KAIZEN needed in workplaces? A major reason is to strengthen GEMBA power. GEMBA (in Japanese) means actual places where companies' values are created. For most of the companies, GEMBA faces directly to customers. The high level of GEMBA power absolutely a key of creating internationally competitive organizations as well as work improvements in companies. KAIZEN will become the strongest tool to brush up the GEMBA power of your organization.
Date & Location
Tuesday, 25th of September
Asharqia Chamber's main branch
(Men & Women)
Morning Session:
KAIZEN management: In Japanese production and service industries, "Kaizen" has been creating quality works. In the workshop, a concept of KAIZEN is presented by examples. What is a difference between KAIZEN and daily works?
Definition and steps of Kaizen: KAIZEN is defined as a small improvement by changing the way of accomplishing objectives. Its meaning and KAIZEN steps are illustrated, using examples collected from Japanese industries.
Why KAIZEN is needed? A major reason is to strengthen GEMBA power. To cope with international competitiveness, GEMBA power is absolutely necessary.
Afternoon Session:
IKAIZEN and 5S practices: What is KAIZEN? It is a short review of morning session. To start KAIZEN, the base is 5S practices. Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke, become five steps for improvement. 5S activities are now spread in world-wide industrial activities. The definition and examples of 5S activities are presented.
JIT applications: The JIT production system includes a lot of unique KAIZEN ideas by TOYOTA. These secrets are Kanban, Poka-yoke, SMED, etc. Toyota's KAIZEN mind is introduced.